Exhibition Catalog: »Das Objekt im Fokus. Fotografie aus der Sammlung SpallArt«

The Spallart Collection in Salzburg, Austria publishes a catalog to accompany the exhibition Das Objekt im Fokus. Fotografie aus der Sammlung SpallArt (Eyes on the Object. Photography from the Spallart Collection) that can be browsed online here.

Katalog: Das Objekt im Fokus. Fotografien aus der Sammlung SpallArt

Cover of the exhibition catalog »Das Objekt im Fokus. Fotografie aus der Sammlung SpallArt« (image and text © Spallart Colletion, Salzburg, 2021)


Photographers and artists have always been engaged in photographing objects. Their interest was both documentary and historical, as well as social and media-critical. It was partly about an exact depiction of an object, but often also precisely about questioning the representational nature. A long-term photograph, a reflection or even an absolute close-up invite us to invent stories and to look more closely. Models, which are the basis of some photographs as an object, want to irritate us, and some things that look like an object are no longer even present in front of the camera at the time of the photograph, but only a thermal image. One artist quotes great, inspiring colleagues with his photographic works, another does not hold his breath during a vernissage, but does hold time and thus lets us participate. The objects we engage with and surround ourselves, tell a lot about us… and are what will remain. This can be a cheerful memory or sometimes a painful one. 

With works by: AA Bronson, Berenice Abbott, Ellen Auerbach, Lillian Birnbaum, Karl Blossfeldt, Robert Bodnar, Rosa Brückl, Gerald Domenig, Peter Dressler, Grete Eckert, Benjamin Eichhorn, Walker Evans, Robert F. Hammerstiel, Karin Fisslthaler, Christoph Fuchs & Gregor Hofbauer, Ralph Gibson, Alain Giraud, Claus Goedicke, René Groebli, Vadim Gushchin, Maria Hahnenkamp, Ilse Haider, Bob Hauser, Matthias Hermann, Fan Ho, Frank Horvat, Dieter Huber, Anna Jermolaewa, Leo Kandl, Hannes Kilian, Jens Knigge, Angelika Krinzinger, Heinrich Kühn, Saul Leiter, Marko Lipus, Dirk Löbbert & Maik Löbbert, Valerie Loudon, Vivian Maier, Anja Manfredi, Judith Metzner, Michael Michlmayr, Jonathan Monk, Inge Morath, Arnold Odermatt, Marc Peschke, Pavol Poljak, Douglas Prince, Lois Renner, Stephan Reusse, Julia Rohn, Gabriele Rothemann, Douglas Ryuijie, Linda S. Connor & Hiromitsu Morimoto, Oskar Schmidt, Gregor Schmoll, Werner Schnelle, Günther Selichar, Fritz Simak, Elde Steeg, Ralph Steiner, Misha Stroj, Josef Sudek, Sabine Weiss, James Welling, Michael Wesely, Elias Wessel, Edward Weston, Hans Wetzelsdorfer, Erwin Wurm and Robert Zahornicky.


